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--| NetherEnd SMP |--





AlwaysRoudy founded the NetherEnd MineCraft server towards the end of 2022.

The idea behind the server was for it to be a place where friends could build together, with no risk of losing their builds.





FullSendMC is our youngest member.

He's a knowledegable member of the server who has helped get us established.





Verixs21394 is a dedicated and knowledgeable player who has been a key part of the thought and effort behind server.

He helps us navigate the complexities of the game with ease.





SourFuzzball280 is a quiet but watchful helper.

Sour helps ensure that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience on the server.





Unsafecoyote is a dedicated player, who helps out on NetherEnd's discord and MineCraft.

He's always ready to lend a helping hand to fellow gamers.

His love for the game and passion for creating a positive environment makes him a valuable member of the server.